While the board’s solidarity for Kelly Person was clear, the board had a rare split vote on granting tax exemptions for low-income elderly and disabled residents. The board also heard a presentation about the district’s reserves and updates on a capital project and reaction to a potential smartphone ban.

In court papers filed Jan. 9, Shannon and Michael Folkin allege the town failed to advise them about wetland regulations and potential violations when approving their pool permit application.

“It’s not about the names, dates, and places,” said Barry Alex Finsel. “It’s about absorbing information, processing it, and expressing it in ways that are efficient.”

Robyn Gray, who chairs the grassroots group Guilderland Coalition for Responsible Growth, pushed the board both to clarify its new building-permit fees and to adopt a building moratorium while the board considers recommendations on updating its comprehensive plan.

Nicole Babie is the new director of the Wildwood Foundation, which serves people with disabilities. She will lead the foundation’s fundraising initiatives.

The not-for-profit organization runs Camp Wildwood on Leesome Lane in Altamont.

GUILDERLAND — A Schenectady man driving a stolen SUV, police say, purposely crashed into a police patrol car on Monday before he and a passenger fled on foot.

A Tuesday release from the Guilderland Police said events unfolded this way:

The housing for people 55 and older would consist of three buildings of four units each and would be located near the intersection of Carmen and West Old State roads.
