Jeff Alexander has held several positions within Berne's town government, among them overseeing the transfer station under the highway department, driving the senior bus, and maintaining the parks.
Fire commissioners will meet next month to decide whether to hold the election again, revise their resolution, or give up on a 21-year plan to rotate trucks.
The concerns of long-time ambulance-squad volunteers must be heeded as the county seeks to fill the gaps — with a paid EMT — left by decreasing numbers of volunteers.
KNOX — Before he flew on missions around the world and lived in Denmark, Michael Morey worked as a teenage pump hand one summer at Margaret “Si” Stevens’s Mobil gas station that developed a reputation for its resistance to modernization.
Volunteer squads and town leaders generally agree to a plan to put a paid emergency medical technician on call in the Hilltowns, but some worry about squashing volunteer spirit and logistical considerations.
ALBANY — The designs and connections for solar panels on county-owned buildings need to be known by firefighters who may be in danger otherwise, according to a resolution passed unanimously by the county legislature Monday night.
Gary Kolanchick started his career as a doctor practicing with Margery Smith on her family's farm — with cows looking in the window — and said he'd return to those days in a minute.