Community Games and Ice Cream Social. 6:30 to 8 Lynnwood Reformed Church 3714 Carman Road, Guilderland. Come and have a good time with a variety of games for all ages, including minute-to-win-it games. We will be enjoying Make-Your Own-Sundaes as well as trying some homemade flavors! Free!
Annual Strawberry Social by Altamont Community Traditions, in Orsini Park at 6 p.m. (Rain date June 21). Fresh strawberry shortcakes made by A.C.T. along with games and other entertainment for kids. A super-fun way to start the summer season.
Sunday, June 18, 2017 - 08:00 to 12:00
North Bethlehem firehouse, 589 Russell Rd., Albany
North Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Dept. Annual Father's Day Pancake Breakfast. 8 a.m. to noon. All you can eat. $9. Children under 5 free. North Bethlehem firehouse, 589 Russell Rd., Albany. (518)489-6556.
Father’s Day breakfast. The Voorheesville American Legion Post 1493. 8 a.m. to noon. Adults $8. Children ages 5 to 12, $4. Children under 5 Free. Free raffle for all dads.
Upper Union Street Strawberry and Art Festival. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Day-long street festival including fresh strawberries and strawberries served many ways, music, food, fashion show, children’s activities, home furnishings flea market, free face painting, drum circle, pony rides, baby farm animals, retail promotions, gourmet marketplace and farmers’ market.
Dutch Settlers Society of Albany will hold their annual meeting and luncheon 10 a.m. to noon at the Knickerbocker Mansion, 132 Knickerbocker Rd., Schaghticoke. A board meeting will be held at 9 a.m. followed by a brief business meeting. A guided tour of the mansion will be conducted before the luncheon. For reservations and directions to the mansion, please call (518) 861-508, Joan Burns.
Annual Strawberry Fest. Gallupville Methodist Church. 7 p.m, rain or shine. Music provided by Esperance Town Band, bring your lawn chair or a blanket and enjoy a relaxing evening.
Car show: 2 to 4 p.m. at Trinity Unity Methodist Church, Rt 143, Coeymans Hollow. Food, bake sale, door prizes. Please bring nonperishable food items for the food pantry.
Friday, June 16, 2017 - 08:00 to 11:00
Octagon Barn. 588 Middle Road in Knox (Delanson 12053 for GPS)
Dudley Observatory Star Party and Program: Josh Hauck and Dr. Valerie Rapson (Dudley Observatory at miSci). 8 p.m. rain or shine in the Octagon Barn. 588 Middle Road in Knox (Delanson 12053 for GPS). All are welcome. Telescopes provided, or bring your own. Free refreshments. 618-5376.