Hilltowns Senior News for Friday, February 14, 2014
Our February meeting had a lot of activity going on. I think it was just getting out of the house and seeing everyone put smiles on all our faces.
Our vice-president, Jonathan Wood, finally got our attention to quiet down and start the meeting.
I must say we have the best looking vice-president. Anyway, he invited a member of the attorney general’s office to show us a Power Point presentation about scams. That really got our attention and before we knew it an hour was up. We invited him back to continue his talk.
There is some talk about having a community showing. I hope that it happens, because this is all available information for everyone to know.
Next, we had a short meeting with a mention of a trip to Corning Glass, on April 8. If we get enough people to sign-up, we will be given a voucher towards lunch. On the way home we will be stopping at Brooks. The cost is $45 for members and $50 for non-members. Contact Shirley Slingerland if you are interested.
If you look at the calendar for the month of February there are a lot of things going on. I had made up some games. We had a Valentine’s word scrambled, sang a song about Ground Hog’s Day, a quiz about the Super Bowl for the women, and questions about Presidents Washington and Lincoln.
So, I asked what else was special about February and Alyce said it was her birthday. And, it was also Jean Wright and Doris Skinner’s birthdays. So we sang them a hardy birthday greeting. Then it was mentioned that it was my and Bill’s 48th anniversary and John Rossman announced that it was his and Millie’s 56th that day. Millie you know what I am thinking. So, we also sang happy anniversary.
But, there was one more thing and that was the Olympics. So I had Mike Vincent, Ed Wood, and Bob Porter come up front. They had to toss a bag of candy through a hole in a cardboard box. Bob got the gold, Ed the silver and Mike the bronze. And I gave them a kiss on each cheek. Isn’t that what they do at the ceremonies? Anyway, it was a great time.
Our next meeting will be at the Berne Reform Church (the white church on the hill) for corned beef and cabbage. So, wear your green everyone and I will try to think of some Irish things to do.
Remember we meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Berne Senior Center, unless told otherwise.
I am mixed up with the bus schedule right now, so I will get back to you on that.
Skip Skinner had another story, but it was too long for me to write down. Something about a big toe and a “toe” truck.
Stay warm and have you noticed that it is staying lighter out at night, yea!!