Hilltowns Senior News for Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Our January meeting lunch was nice hot chili; there’s nothing better for a cold winter day.
We had 44 members present. Birthday greetings were sung to Peg and Janie. And we hope that Bernice Bunzey hears us singing as far away as Florida to wish her a 90th happy birthday. We are sending Barbara Snyder a get well card and hope she is feeling better soon.
We had a guest speaker, Rick Otto, who is involved with people with autism. He is in contact with the state, and they are interested in getting involved with our meal program. Someone asked if they could go to people’s homes and help them.
Rick said that this is what they want for their program. They want them to get out in the community and improve their social skills. They provide the transportation and a person to supervise. Thank you Rick, for coming and providing another way for seniors to get help and give service to someone else. Rick also joined our group, so we got a double helper, too.
Don’t forget to use our senior bus for your shopping needs. Call CDTA on the previous
Friday at 437-5161 to reserve a seat and get on the pick-up list.
On Jan. 28, there is a senior forum at St. Sophie’s on Whitehall Road in Albany. If you wish to have lunch, call 437-5161 for reservations. I plan to attend, if anyone needs a ride, weather permitting.
Our March meeting will be held at the Berne Reform Church. The cost is $6. There is no contact number as yet. The meal is corn beef and cabbage.
Faye Croote and Scott Wright won the fifty-fifty drawing.
Do you know what love is? 2 vowels, 2 consonants and 2 fools, this according to Skip Skinner.