Melissa Hale-Spencer

ALBANY COUNTY — On Monday, Republican Francis J. Vitollo — “Call me Joe” — was out posting election signs and going door to door to convince people to vote for him as Albany County’s next executive.

“People think their vote doesn’t count, but they’re wrong,” he said. “This race will be close if we get people out to vote.”

ALBANY COUNTY — Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy beat his challenger in September’s Democratic primary with 60 percent of the vote. In the weeks before the Nov. 3 general election, he is urging county residents to vote, just vote — no matter for whom.

On Nov. 3, Knox voters will decide between a longtime incumbent supervisor, Michael Hammond, and his pro-growth challenger, Vasilios Lefkaditis.

For 38 years, the school board has recognized its best employees, nominated by peers and selected by committee. More than 400 have been honored over the years. Five more joined the ranks last Tuesday in a televised ceremony.

Fueled by a bond defeat that would have upgraded town buildings, Republicans in this rural Hilltown, dominated by Democrats for decades, have put up a slate of candidates for the Nov. 3 election.

Excess space can be a matter of definition, the school board learned on Tuesday night.

The inaugural class will be inductedinto the new Berne-Knox-Westerlo Sports Hall of Fame on Oct. 9; the community is invited.

A farm on Pleasant Valley Road has drawn its residents in by different paths.

Bud Kenyon, Guilderland

“It is the most emotional sport known to man,” former football coach Harold Clayton Kenyon Jr. said.

GUILDERLAND — Forty years ago, Harold “Bud” Kenyon said, he caught a student — “a peeping tom,” he called him — looking into the girls’ locker room. A popular and successful varsity football coach, Kenyon took the boy to the high school principal’s office.

“The first two times did no good,” Kenyon told The Enterprise. The third time, when he found the boy hiding in the bleachers, he recalled, “I told him, ‘Get down’ and he said, ‘Get lost.’ I got him by the nape of the neck and the seat of the pants and took him to the office.”

That incident came back to haunt Kenyon this week as the Guilderland School Board decided, once and for all, not to name the high school football field for Kenyon as originally planned.


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