Melissa Hale-Spencer

Marie Wiles, budget presentation

Guilderland’s $100.7 million school budget proposal closes a $1.6 million gap partly by using $930,000 from the district’s fund balance.

The Friends of Thacher park hopes to attract families who will teach their children to be stewards of the park for the next generation.

While the film “Very Young Girls” portrays girls soliciting on the street, a Capital Region expert on sex trafficking said, “What we see locally is all the marketing on social media.”

David A. Mazzeo used money he got from scams to pay off victims of earlier scams, a jury heard before convicting him.

The fact that a crime isn’t prosecuted doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened.

In New York State, only one in 44 cases of elder financial abuse are ever reported. Local police were instructed Monday on ways to ferret out elder financial abuse.

Francis Sengabo,

A refugee from the civil war in Rwanda helped found a not-for-profit group in Albany that teaches new immigrants and refugees the English language and about American culture.

The creator of a Woody Allen film series at the Voorheesville Public Library says, “The art of a person and the artist’s lifestyle are two different things.”

Rebecca Tillou

Once Rebecca Tillou was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome, everything else made sense, she said.

GUILDERLAND — Just as school was starting, at 7:50 a.m. Thursday morning, Jan. 18, Guilderland Police called Westmere Elementary School. “The police had received a 9-1-1 call and quickly determined it was not a credible report,” said Superintendent Marie Wiles.


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