Melissa Hale-Spencer

Shopping on sites like Craigslist, with classified ads, peaks leading up to the holidays and police advise meeting in a well-lit, populated area for transactions — perhaps at a police station.

ALBANY COUNTY — Dennis Grant, who had five previous burglary-related convictions, pleaded guilty to another one on Friday. He had tried to break out of jail in 2009 after an earlier burglary arrest.

ALBANY COUNTY — Democratic incumbent Assemblywoman Patricia A. Fahy bested her two rivals by a wide margin on Tuesday.

The blue wave that gave Democrats control of the State Senate did not lift all boats.

Republican George Amedore won a third term representing the 46th Senate District. He bested his Democratic opponent, Pat Courtney Strong, a newcomer to politics, with 55 percent of the vote.

Settlement money from the nation’s largest banks over misconduct that contributed to the housing crisis is being given to land banks across the state to revitalize communities with blighted or abandoned properties.

GUILDERLAND — Amy Castillo and her husband realized their dream a few years ago when they were able to buy a farm on Brandle Road.

They named it Kava La Reina Farm. “Kava” means “bee” in Guarani, an indigenous language of South America and an official language of Paraguay.  So their farm’s name translates to “queen bee.”

Incumbent Democrat Patricia A. Fahy faces two challengers to represent the 109th State Assembly district: Republican Robert G. Porter and Conservative Joseph P. Sullivan.

Candidates for New York State’s Assembly and Senate were asked about relevant background, their reasons for running, and what they hope to achieve if elected. They were also asked to give their views on each of these issues:

The Mohicans have purchased tribal lands in Bethlehem where human remains of their ancestors were found.


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