Melissa Hale-Spencer

“We talk a lot at United Way about how people in our community are one bad day away from being in serious financial straits but no one really anticipated this collective bad day we all go through together,” said Peter Gannon, president and chief executive officer of United Way of the Greater Capital Region. “But we are getting through it.”

The county sheriff’s office has made no arrests for violations of the governor’s pause order. Also, an unused wing of the county jail will soon house homeless people.

About 10 percent of Albany County residents currently being tested for COVID-19 have the disease.

As Albany County’s death toll from COVID-19 climbed to nine this week, county officials are pleased that community testing has started again

“Internationally and globally, air traffic is down well over 90 percent … That has been devastating to the industry but it is a necessary pain to go through to deal with this virus and get it under control,” said Phil Calderone, chief executive officer of Albany International Airport.

The State Education Department has cancelled the June Regents exams and on Tuesday issued guidelines for graduation.

“When we finally come out of the other side of this crisis,” said Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy of the pandemic, “we need to jumpstart the economy.” A plan presented Tuesday calls for the creation of an independent public-private organization and a comprehensive plan for Albany County.

Peter Barber, Guilderland’s supervisor, announced on Tuesday afternoon, that two paramedics in the town’s EMS had tested positive for the disease. “Both medics are asymptomatic and resting well at home under quarantine,” Barber said.

“Words are only 15 percent of communication. This virus has stolen from us some of the most important things it means to be human — to be together, to gather for a meal and eat, to hold the hand of a dying person,” says Christopher DeGiovine, the priest at St. Matthew’s Church in Voorheesville.

“We are hopeful we will not be as hard hit as some of the downstate counties but we don’t know that yet,” said Albany County Health Commissioner Elizabeth Whalen on Monday as community testing starts again.


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