Melissa Hale-Spencer

“We are in a new economic reality. We are in a challenging economic landscape …,” the state’s comptroller, Thomas DiNapoli, said on Wednesday at the county’s press briefing. “We still don’t know where it’s headed so a lot of what we’re talking about is still very tentative information.” He estimated the state’s revenue losses could range from $10 billion to $15 billion.

“The irony is mindblowing. The taxpayers are losing out because of the state’s own computer problems … The state has denied the town funds as a result of the state’s own glitch. It was their fault,” says Andrew Farbstein, a consultant who helped Guilderland with its townwide revaluation last year.

“Quarantine the Sick, Not the Healthy!” said a sign held by a youngster at Wednesday’s protest. An hour before, Albany County’s health commissioner, Elizabeth Whalen, had explained once again that the coronavirus is often spread by people who are asymptomatic; they can feel fine as they pass along the disease without knowing they have it. COVID-19 is most lethal for the elderly and those with underlying health issues.

ALBANY COUNTY — Elizabeth Whalen, Albany County’s health commissioner, said at Tuesday’s press briefing that her department has heard from area hospitals that the number of visits they are receiving for heart attacks, strokes, and other emergencies are “not what they normally are.”

Elizabeth Whalen

“The more testing availability we have, the more valid the data is,” Elizabeth Whalen, Albany County’s health commissioner. As she launched the Data Dashboard about the coronavirus, posted to the county’s website. She also said that data becomes more meaningful over time.

Rite-Aid pharmacists will conduct the COVID-19 tests at the new site in Colonie, handing people who drive through a swab they will use for a nasal test; results will be reported through email or by phone. The site is expected to perform about 200 tests per day.

Paul Tonko

ALBANY COUNTY — Congressman Paul Tonko does not think that local and state governments will receive federal aid as part of the “interim model” currently being hashed out in Congress, but he is hopeful the fourth round of coronavirus aid will include those funds.

In announcing confirmed cases at daily briefings, Albany County Executive Daniel McCoy gives just the number of cases not the location of the residents who were infected. “We wanted people to know it was all around us,” he said. McCoy also said the county hopes to post data on its website this week.

“The concerns that lead to using more drugs and alcohol or potentially relapsing if you’re in recovery or even overdosing are present all together right now and posing enormous challenges to folks that are struggling with addiction,” says Stephen Giordano, Ph.D., director of the Albany County Department of Mental Health.

Feed Albany and the South End Children’s Café are accepting donations to provide food for those who need it in the midst of the pandemic.


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