Books and Beyond: Please register to join this virtual book discussion scheduled for 11a.m., Wednesday, March 16. Our group will be talking about “Resistance Women” by Jennifer Chiaverini.
Magic the Gathering is the world’s most popular strategy card game. Students in grades 6 to 12, and adults are invited to register for the library’s March Magic event.
Standing Woman, a Mohawk Turtle Clan member, storyteller, and educator at Heldeberg Workshop, will entertain and educate as she shares Native American stories highlighting her native oral tradition
Come celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day on Saturday, Feb. 5, at 10:30 a.m., when Miss Lisa and Mrs. Brown will share their favorite books, songs, and felt-board stories.
Operation Donate: The library will be accepting donations of personal-care items, beginning Feb. 1 and running through the end of the month. All donations will benefit the Sgt.