John R. Williams

The sun is rising later and later, daylight is beginning to peek through around 7 a.m. now.

On Sept. 28, this scribe was not in attendance at the weekly Tuesday breakfast. A more important task was in order and this scribe had an official excuse.

This scribe is royally ticked off at this scribe. To explain that sentence, this is the second time I have typed this.

Bread is like the sun: It rises in the yeast and sets in the waist.

The Old Men of the Mountain met again in Middleburgh, this time at Mrs. K’s Restaurant on Sept. 7. At Mrs. K’s there is generally a lively crowd and Tuesday was no different.  

Every day should be different, yet most of the time every day seems to be the same. For instance, Tuesdays, for the Old Men of the Mountain, are different. Tuesday, Aug. 31, was different.

It was Aug. 24, and the Old Men of the Mountain gathered at the Chuck Wagon Diner on Route 20.

What happened in history on Aug. 17? Not much except for those born on Aug. 17, but on Augu.

It is something to develop any system and have it last since around 50 B.C., and the Old Men of the Mountain, along with many others, are using this system right now because on Tuesday, Aug.

The Old Men of the Mountain have been meeting. However, this scribe picked up some bug that hit like a ton of bricks.


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