The Schoharie Library story time with Vanessa Repicky is held on Fridays at 10 a.m. throughout the school year. Upcoming themes are: Dec. 14: The Human Body, and Dec. 21: Welcome Winter.
Read with Gracie the Therapy Dog at the Schoharie Free Library on Thursday, Nov. 29, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Children are invited to come and read to Gracie, a friendly, calm goldendoodle.
The next story time with Vanessa Repicky at the Schoharie Library is Friday, Nov. 30, at 10 a.m., with as theme about musical instruments. There will be no story time on Nov.
Open Mic Night at the Schoharie Library is on Thursday, Nov. 8, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sing a song, play an instrument, read a poem, join the sing-along, or just come listen!
Vanessa Repicky hosts story time at the Schoharie Library every Friday at 10 a.m. throughout the school year. Upcoming themes are: Nov. 2, Space; Nov. 9: Dinosaurs; and Nov. 16: Giving Thanks.
Vanessa Repicky leads story time at the Schoharie Library on Fridays at 10 a.m. throughout the school year. These autumn themes will entertain youngsters in upcoming weeks: Oct.
Fall themes will haunt the story times with Vanessa Repicky at the Schoharie Library on Fridays at 10 a.m.; Oct. 5, Monsters; Oct. 12, Fall Leaves; Oct. 19, Pumpkins; and Oct. 26, Halloween.
Story time with Vanessa Repicky will be held at the Schoharie Free Library on Fridays at 10 a.m. throughout the school year. The theme for Sept. 21 is weather and the theme for Sept.