Holly Grosch

By Michelle O’Riley

WESTERLO - On April 2, in an instant, Harold Cameron’s life changed forever.

Assessment settlement
School to pay country club $96K

NEW SCOTLAND — The Voorheesville School Board has agreed to reimburse the Colonie Golf and Country Club $96,500.

NEW SCOTLAND — Over 30 escarpment dwellers came out to this month’s planning board meeting, wanting to protect their neighborhood from what they consider to be an invasive camp retreat.

By Michelle O’Riley

Cook wins
Insurance company must defend, court says

By Michelle O’Riley

VOORHEESVILLE — A village resident of 72 years has noticed an increase in the number of vehicles speeding in and out of Voorheesville.

VOORHEESVILLE — Two residents here were arrested after police discovered 28 marijuana plants growing in their backyard.

VOORHEESVILLE — A new program at the Capital Region Career and Technical School had a very successful first year with Voorheesville student Christopher Thomas as one of the stars.


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