NEW SCOTLAND Residents across town opened up their mail on Monday to discover their property is worth substantially more. Town-wide the residential parcels, 3,047 of them, had an assessed value increase of 80 percent over last year.
For second time Planning board rejects two-acre rezone
NEW SCOTLAND The towns planning board on Tuesday night again voted unanimously not to rezone the northeast quadrant of town to prevent building lots smaller than two acres.
NEW SCOTLAND Water committee member Jo Ann Davies was appointed as the planning boards alternate member last Wednesday. The spot has been vacant since July, when Chuck Voss moved up to be a regular member.
NEW SCOTLAND Elizabeth Stewart, a Democrat, who lost her fall election bid against the Republican Supervisor, Ed Clark, has now been appointed as a planning board member. The vote was split, 3 to 2, along party lines.
VOORHEESVILLE Community reaction this week to the state comptrollers statements that two top administrators had taken money from the school ranged from defense of the retired superintendent to condemnation.