Frank L. Palmeri

Lots of folks make New Year’s resolutions, and I'm one of them. I even try to keep them. This year's resolution was to stop swearing. How about that.

You see them in the waiting areas of banks and car dealerships. There may even be donuts next to them. They’re part of a little oasis of hospitality in an otherwise sterile environment.

Where I work they sponsored a Green Commuting Day recently. The idea was to take an environmentally friendly way to work.

One time when I worked for a savings bank, I had to drive “Mrs. K,” a bank vice president, to an event.

Any time I get a chance to go to a museum, I take it. While not artistic myself, I do enjoy seeing all kinds of creative things, like paintings, sculptures, dioramas, and more.

When my oldest daughter lived with us, it was not uncommon to see her doing homework on the computer while listening to music and having about 10 instant-messaging windows open at the same time.

If you watch or play sports, you know that injuries are inevitable.

One of the most common icebreakers at a party is to ask a person what he does for a living. As I inch closer and closer to retirement, I find myself reflecting on work more and more.

For the past several years, I’ve read one book about every two weeks on average.

When you attend a wedding, there are invariably many couples out on the dance floor just holding each other close and spinning in slow, never-ending circles as some slow tune plays.


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