Frank L. Palmeri

All of us are consumers of many different products and services. Companies spend tons of dollars trying to figure out what we’ll spend our hard-earned dough on.

Remember when the COVID-19 pandemic first started, and you couldn’t find toilet paper anywhere?

There’s a saying that goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

One of my long-time favorite hobbies has been collecting quotations from wherever I can find them. The other day, I picked up an old woodworking book and found this gem that I must share:

Jeff Herchenroder, who passed away unexpectedly, was a mainstay in the Guilderland school music education program for a long time.

Time travel has been a reliable staple of science-fiction books and movies for as long as I can remember. It’s easy to see why.

“How much can you bench?” is something that guys who work out ask each other all the time. It refers to the bench-press exercise, the key movement for upper-body strength and size development.

The other day, I found myself in Grand Central Station in Manhattan on the way to an event. I had some time to kill so I decided to hang around the station for a while.

If you read my last column, you know I'm now playing guitar for the first time in my life. Here’s an update on my new-found musical proclivities.


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