Dennis Sullivan

Do you have a name for it? I looked online and found “Windbag,” “Chatterbox,” and “Know-it-all.”

A devout cowboy loses his beloved Bible out on the range — so the story goes.

When James Frey’s “A Million Little Pieces” appeared in April 2003, it was sold as a memoir in the nonfiction section of the store.

One of the great benefits of growing old(er) is that I have been able to free myself of all the prejudices I harbored as a youth.

The first entry in the second edition of Butler’s Lives of the Saints for February 14 reads: ST VALENTINE, Martyr (c. A.D. 269).

Even if you’ve read the most meagre bit of psychology, you’ve run across the “true self” -“false self” distinction in personality.

There are some people and groups throughout history who were so taken with the birth of Jesus — the Christmas story and all it implies — that they hoped Jesus, after he died, would come a second ti

“Prayer is an aspiration of the heart ... a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trial as well as joy.”

There’s a subgenre of jokes called “the three wishes,” which you might have heard from time to time.

In the lobby along the south wall of the Original Headquarters Building of the CIA stands a statue of Maj. Gen William “Wild Bill” Donovan.


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