I live in Guilderland. Every day since the coronavirus hit town, Guilderland’s supervisor, Peter Barber, has sent out an advisory message in an email to residents.
“You need to be able to look in a mirror and see yourself in a book. But you also need to be able to look through a window and see others and the rest of the world and love that.”
Amassing students’ written and pictorial descriptions of the holidays they celebrate into an online school calendar would enlighten and educate the entire community.
Two boards — for planning and for zoning — best serve the public. Whatever small, undetermined savings there would be by abolishing the planning board would be far outweighed by the loss of its perspective.
We strongly urge support of the Good Food Purchasing Bill, which will lead to healthier eating, a better protected environment, a more diverse workforce, and more resilient local economies and food systems.