Archive » December 2008 » News

Nearly two years after a mentally retarded woman died following a car accident, the state’s oversight agency found “the circumstances of this death …did not suggest any deficiencies in the care provided.”

ALBANY COUNTY — Albany County Executive Michael G. Breslin signed a contract this month to purchase the long-awaited Albany County Rail Trail from Canadian Pacific Railway.

NEW SCOTLAND — The town hopes to hire former New Scotland assessor Deborah Corbari as its new part-time assessor.

Setting an example for the nation?
R’ville wants to draft wind-power law that will promote community ownership

By Zach Simeone

NEW SCOTLAND — The costs of implementing new federal requirements for stormwater management are being passed down to the local level.

GUILDERLAND — A new barbershop opened its doors last Saturday at the 20 Mall.

By Zach Simeone

BERNE — The decade-long legal battle of Thomas Spargo, a Berne resident and former State Supreme Court justice of New York, is ongoing.

GUILDERLAND — Two years after a nationwide raid, Houston-based IFCO has agreed to a $20.7 million settlement, the largest of its kind to date.

GUILDERLAND — A cop who cares about kids will help shape the department.

Out of a pool of five officers, Roger Ginder was promoted to sergeant this week.

Local districts crunch and cope

This week, local school districts, like those across the state, are crunching numbers and hatching plans in response to the governor’s proposed cuts to school aid, announced on Tuesday.

Man extorted, raped escort

A man pretending to be a police investigator paid a female escort to have sex with him at a Guilderland hotel, then extorted thousands of dollars from her before he was caught, police said.

By Zach Simeone

HILLTOWNS — As the Berne-Knox-Westerlo school district considers selling its 60-year-old Westerlo School, future enrollment figures are being examined, and a possible decades-old agreement is being investigated.

NEW SCOTLAND — After three years of study, the Kensington Woods planned-unit development proposal is finally before the public, but only in its initial stages.

GUILDERLAND — The southern landfill at the former Army depot, on property now occupied the Northeastern Industrial Park, may be capped and covered if $3 million in federal funds can be secured.

New program at Peter Young Center will help vets from recent wars
