Archive » July 2008 » Editorials

Exercise the body to build the brain

Illustration by Forest Byrd

Find common ground

Illustration by Forest Byrd

“The theory of a free press is that the truth will emerge from free reporting and free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account.”

Draw together to form a more perfect school district

Illustration by Forest Byrd

As the Guilderland School District continues in an uproar over the reassignment of two of its teachers, we have written as well this week about two important contracts.

Once more to Papa’s house: Strength at the broken places

Illustration by Forest Byrd

“The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I very much hate to leave it.”

— Ernest Hemingway

You’re special, just like everybody else

Ah, Spring! Graduations abound in the spring — except that, of course, it’s now summer, so we’re behind the rest of the country.

Standing strong for the sake of democracy

Illustration by Forest Byrd