GUILDERLAND Tim Mulchy and Dotty Merza have each been in the real-estate business for 20 years. In that time, they have seen house prices rise, along with the fees charged by real estate agents.
KNOX Jeremy Rue is home in the Hilltowns on R & R. Hes a long way from the deserts of Iraq where he has served as a member of the National Guard and to which he will return.
VOORHEESVILLE After months of negotiating an animal-control contract with the town of New Scotland, village leaders Tuesday night decided to terminate the contract at the end of June.
GUILDERLAND Farnsworth Middle School has a fourth house that now officially, like the other three houses, has a Native American-inspired name: Seneca.
GUILDERLAND Tuesday was chaos at Town Hall as hundreds of angry residents waited for hours to have two minutes each with the board of assessment review.