Decision on Stewart’s expansion should be delayed
To the Editor:
We urge the Altamont Village Board to delay action for six months on the Stewart’s expansion plan — pending a public input and review process. The need for assessment of the potential impacts on the character of the village, traffic, and environment merits such a process.
Important potential impacts include:
— 1. An adverse impact on both the immediate historic residential neighborhood, as well as the village at large. To visualize the impact, please consider the placement of the equivalent of one-half of the Cumberland Farms at routes 20 and 145 at the key entry point to the village center;
— 2. An increase in traffic congestion at a busy five-corner intersection;
— 3. An increase in light pollution well beyond that now existing in the village; and
— 4. A precedent for future large-scale development projects.
The six-month delay would provide the necessary opportunity for effective public involvement. As part of the process, Stewart’s should provide alternative plans for a similar size building (as proposed) on the current footprint — plans that reflect the unique village character.
Once lost, the well-known and widely admired unique Altamont character will be forever gone.
We are writing this as 40-year residents of Altamont. And, having served as a community member on the planning committee for the Altamont Comprehensive Plan, I believe the expansion, as proposed, is inconsistent with the spirit of the adopted plan.
Such a delay and review process should benefit Stewart’s and all involved by resulting in a state-of-the-art model store serving the community and environs for years to come.
John E. and
Kristin Smith