What is your policy on publishing letters?
To the Editor:
Having just read your editorial and Jacquelyn Hallock’s letter in the Nov. 2 issue of this paper, it’s clear you’re very passionate about this particular issue on a national scale.
Only one thing confuses me. A few months back when I wrote a letter to this paper regarding the shooting at the baseball park in Alexandria, Virginia of Congressional Republicans you called and told me that this publication does not cover national issues. Have you since changed your views or are you being selective in what issues at the national level are important to you?
You cannot say it’s not of national importance as your editorial mentions the president. Once the president is mentioned in anything, it has national implications.
Likewise, Ms. Hallock’s letter mentions former President Barack Obama again. Once that’s done, it has national implications, I for one, feel that an explanation is necessary.
Richard E. Fisher
Howes Cave
Editor’s note: Jacqueline Hallock first wrote in response to our stories and editorials on a local school’s all-gender bathroom. The Enterprise often looks at national issues through a local lens and readers are free to write letters on these topics.
However, we do not have room for all the many letters we receive on national issues unrelated to our local coverage.
Our focus is strictly local coverage tracking elsewhere. There are many other mediums to express views on national or international events.
Richard is the nephew of Donna E. Fisher, who also wrote this week on a national issue we covered locally.