Find the best solar option for you
To the Editor:
The cost of solar energy has come down enough so that it costs less money to go solar than to do nothing and keep paying bills for conventionally produced electricity. Many solar energy options are available to homeowners, apartment renters, small businesses, and farmers that will save money. But it is confusing to sort through the options to determine which would be best for an individual’s circumstances.
Solarize Albany and Helderberg Community Energy are volunteer groups that have been working together to help bring this information to the public, and to help people compare the options and decide what is best for them.
If you would like to talk about your best options, come to a “Solar for All” informational meeting at 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 7, at the Octagon Barn, 588 Middle Road in Knox (use Delanson 12053 for GPS). Bring a recent National Grid bill to help answer questions.
Russell Pokorny, president
Helderberg Community Energy