Palow knows his responsibility but ignores it

To the Editor:

I have some comments regarding your recent article “Berne adrift after three town board members resign.” Mr. [Sean] Lyons referred to the members who resigned saying “they treated the Supervisor as a Mayor and not 1 vote of 5 just as they were.”

All board members cannot be seen as being equal — not when it is only the supervisor who has knowledge of the town finances.

Also note, New York State law requires that all documents discussed at a board meeting be posted online no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Supervisor Dennis Palow has known this but has refused to abide by the law.

In your report the previous supervisor blamed the board for not understanding how a municipality operates. Here is a case where the current supervisor knows of his responsibility but ignores it. Leadership starts at the top.

Kenneth Guarino


Editor’s note: See related story.

Supervisor Dennis Palow did not respond to Enterprise inquiry.

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