Honor our troops by signing bill to prohibit sale of tobacco those 18 to 21

To the Editor:

With Memorial Day coming up this Monday, this is a good time to think about how we can honor those brave men and women who died in the service of our country.  I believe that we can best honor them by supporting our veterans and our troops.

One way to support our troops that is very timely in Albany County is Local Law C (T 21). This bill increases the age at which people can buy tobacco products in Albany County from 18 to 21.  It was passed by the legislature on May 9 by a vote of 24 to 13 and now awaits County Executive Dan McCoy’s signature.  

These laws, which now exist in over 100 municipalities and several states, play an important role in protecting youths and young adults from addiction, sickness, and death.  However, first and foremost, we should protect our brave service men and women who are in harm’s way and shouldn’t have to be further in harm’s way for the profits of tobacco companies.

Many military leaders including two assistant secretaries of defense, two retired brigadier generals, the Department of Defense and the Army surgeon general have publicly stated that smoking reduces combat readiness and that smokers’ impaired combat ability compromises mission readiness.

Wounded warriors who smoke suffer from increased risk of surgical complications and delayed wound healing.

Also, in a longitudinal study of Ohio Army National Guard soldiers, it was found that smoking was a predictor of depression onset as well as suicidal ideation.

Our county legislature has honored our service members.  I ask Dan McCoy to do the same.

Carol Waterman


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