League hosts June 2 forum for Finneran and Tweed

To the Editor:
The public is invited to attend a candidate forum for the Democratic Primary for the Assembly 102nd District. The forum, between candidates Mary Finneran and Janet Tweed, will be held at the Octagon Barn at 588 Middle Rod in Knox, on June 2 between 4:30 and 6:00 p.m.

The League of Women Voters of Albany County and the League of Women Voters of the Cooperstown Area are co-sponsoring the forum and league volunteers will serve as the moderator and timers. There will be no Republican forum as the Republican incumbent is running unopposed.

Formed over 100 years ago, the League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization whose purpose is to register new voters and educate the voters about federal, state, and local elections and the candidates running for office. The league does not endorse any candidate or political party.

This candidate forum will allow registered Democrats in the Assembly 102nd District to learn about the background and positions of the two candidates running in the primary. Election Day for the Democratic Primary is June 25 and early voting will be held from June 15 through June 23.

The public is invited to submit questions for the candidates by clicking on this link: Assembly 102nd District Candidate questions. Voters also may find out information about the candidates and their views by going to Vote411.org. The forum will be recorded and the recording posted on the League of Women Voters of Albany County’s YouTube channel LWV Albany.

Deborah Liebman

First Vice President

League of Women Voters of Albany County

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