A futuristic frightmare made me call 9-1-1
To the Editor:
Last night I had a futuristic dream (a frightmare, really) about the denizens of the Beltway and Wall Street — in all their many moving parts — and what we might well see and struggle through across our land, if they don’t get things right, really right, in the next few years for us, the general citizenry, of course; but not for the powers that be themselves as is now commonplace.
In the writing of this I drew on a few points I encountered on the web posted anonymously as well as some points from Marlo Thomas’s twitter, and expanded on extensively.
This is my frightmare as it unfolded:
Movers and shakers, even ex-presidents, are now reduced to playing miniature golf — infrequently.
I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
Hot Wheels, Matchbox, and Corgi miniature car shares are trading higher than Ford, Chrysler, and GM combined.
McDonald’s is now offering its all new Quarter-Ouncer.
People in Manhattan, Beverly Hills and, Silicon Valley have fired their nannies and are learning their children’s names and how dishwashers and washing machines actually work.
Women are having more partial-birth abortions to save on future child care costs.
The most highly-paid job in many cities is jury duty.
Mothers in Somalia are telling their kids, “Finish your food — don't you know that many children in America are starving?”
Motel Six stopped leaving the lights on and is no longer changing the sheets daily.
The Mafia is laying off judges and a number of policemen. Not any attorneys though; they are needed more than ever.
If your bank returns your check for lack of sufficient funds, you have to call to see if the bank meant you or themselves.
The Petroleum Cartel laid off 119 Congressman and innumerable lobbyists. And the number laid off by Big Pharma and the Big Banks is still being counted.
I saw a Mormon husband and a Mussulman who were down to sharing one wife to save on high dependency maintenance costs.
Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America itself to save on airfare.
A picture is now worth only 333 words. Rarer, more esoteric, exotic, erotic, noir porny pictures are going for 666 words
When Bill and Hillary travel together, they now have to share a room (but with twin beds).
So at the last, I was feeling depressed toward the end of this dream and on the verge of awakening at dawn. My frightmare was drawing to a close and I was considering the implications of my vision and thinking about our economy, our fracturing culture, our fracturing families, our fractured double-minded souls, identity politics, self-actualizing-self-inflated Rogerian platitudinous prattlers, social gospel, socialist collectivists, looming global wars, North Korean long-range missiles, the South China Sea militarized islands, Iranian mullahs and their nukes, Saudi Wahhabi-Jihadis, Islamophiliacs, Neo-Tsarist Russia, jobs, my savings, Social Security, the future of health care, whipped-out retirement funds and pension funds and saved college funds.
Also: Dead economist Keynes (as in brains, he always pointed out the correct pronunciation) as mainly causing our economic pains, the Big Six Media Cartel as MKUltra mind controllers, the education system failing and dumbing our children but not failing the system’s intended creation of world citizens of United Nations and MKUltra design, the edugarchy and teachers’ unions demanding more and more money for the children and only for the children (of course) and higher land taxes as rent to the government that actually owns “our” land.
Also: Vichy elephants, fabian donkeys, tenured unfireable professors and bureaucrats, Safe-Space-Snowflakes, FDA opiate addicts and other big pharma prescription drug addicts, overflowing prisons, mortuaries and abortuaries going 24/7, Esoteric Pansexual Bloody Hollywood, and being personally condemned by people of color and feeling guilty for being a colorless Caucasoid racially.
And finally, when I began hearing a chorus of eco-freakos repeatedly and bellicosely chanting, "Global warming/ is all due/ to breathing out/ your CO2,” it was then that I found myself dialing 9-1-1 (the technology in dreams isn't always up-to-date) and asking to be connected to the suicide hotline
I got a call center in Southeast Asia that answered my call and, when I told them I was suicidal, they got heatedly over excited and enthused, and asked me in a solicitous and tremulous voice to please hold while he transferred my call to a Muslim Brotherhood Kitman Op Center in the USA. When they came on the line, their first question to me was, "Can you drive a truck?"
Victor Porlier
East Berne