Enterprise no longer a traditional-values newspaper
To the Editor:
I cannot believe this is the small-town, God-fearing, hometown, traditional-values newspaper I have revered all these years.
Folks, I am talking about people not of your sex coming in your bathroom like they own the place! To use the same bathroom of your wife, your daughter, your granddaughter! I am being ridiculed because I have a problem with that?
I have legitimate a genuine concern for the prospect of ever having to share my bathroom with a transgender, or someone “feeling like a female” on any given day. As do most Americans — most Americans cannot deal with the direction this country is going and thank God for the election of our new president, Donald J. Trump, who will overturn this hideous ruling if he has not already.
My genuine concern for my safety and privacy in my bathroom gets met with mockery and disdain. Wow. They must have dug deep for that one. Clearly the liberals are no longer tolerant of anyone’s concerns unless it’s their own My, how liberals have changed!
Jacquelyn Hallock
Lecanto, Florida
Editor’s note: Jacqueline Hallock, a longtime Hilltown resident, first wrote us a letter, “This transgender crap is too, too much,” published on March 9, in response to our March 2 editorial, “We stand as one with transgender students.” On March 16, we published three letters in response: “There is no need for the fear and paranoia,” “Bathroom conundrum,” and “‘Meet anger with sympathy.’”