Local notices: Jan. 30, 2025
NOTICE TO ALL: The PRINCIPAL EHIMWENMA AGHO residing at P. O. Box 2443, Newark, NJ 07114, hereby revokes, rescinds, terminates, annuls, and void(s) any and all powers of attorney previously granted by said entity to any individuals, entities, or organizations, including but not limited to state, local, and private organizations, whether known or unknown, willing or unwillingly.
This revocation explicitly includes, but is not limited to, any powers of attorney granted to representatives or agents of any financial institutions or organizations including Navy Federal Credit Union, and NY Municipal Credit Union that may have engaged with on or after the date January 29th 1999.
Notice of Revocation:
Pursuant to New Jersey law (N.J.S. § 46:2B-8.10), this revocation is effective immediately upon signing and acknowledgment. Any reliance on a revoked power of attorney after receipt of this notice is deemed unlawful and unauthorized.
Designation of New Power of Attorney:
The PRINCIPAL EHIMWENMA AGHO hereby designates Agho, Ehimwenma Susan residing at c/o P. O. Box 2443, Newark, NJ 07114, as the new attorney-in-fact, fiduciary, receiver, executor to act on behalf of the above-named entity in accordance with the terms set forth in a newly executed Power of Attorney document, which is being executed contemporaneously with this revocation. Exhibit A: f2848, f56, and f8822b (all Internal Revenue Service forms).
Instructions for Revoked Powers of Attorney:
All previous agents, attorneys-in-fact, and entities acting under any revoked Power of Attorney are instructed to CEASE all actions and representations on the above name entities behalf. Any such action taken will constitute a trespass on the Estate and Trust of said entity herein reserves the right to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Notice of this revocation is being delivered to relevant parties, including the financial institutions mentioned above.
This revocation has been signed and acknowledged in compliance with the requirements of R.S. 46:14-2.1.
NOTICE TO ALL: The PRINCIPAL TEMILOLA AKAPO residing at 626 Alexander STATESVILLE, NC, 28677, hereby revokes, rescinds, terminates, annuls, and void(s) any and all powers of attorney previously granted by said entity to any individuals, entities, or organizations, including but not limited to state, local, and private organizations, whether known or unknown, willing or unwillingly.
This revocation explicitly includes, but is not limited to, any powers of attorney granted to representatives or agents of any financial institutions or organizations including Navy Federal Credit Union, and Bank of America that may have engaged with on or after the date August 22nd, 2008.
Notice of Revocation:
Pursuant to North Carolina law, set forth in Gen Stat § 32C-1-110A(3)(b)(1). Termination of power of attorney: this revocation is effective immediately upon signing and acknowledgment. Any reliance on a revoked power of attorney after receipt of this notice is deemed unlawful and unauthorized.
Designation of New Power of Attorney:
The PRINCIPAL TEMILOLA AKAPO hereby designates Akapo, Temilola oyebade residing at c/o 626 Alexander STATESVILLE, NC, 28677, as the new attorney-in-fact, fiduciary, receiver, executor to act on behalf of the above-named entity in accordance with the terms set forth in a newly executed Power of Attorney document, which is being executed contemporaneously with this revocation. Exhibit A: f2848, f56, and f8822b (all Internal Revenue Service forms).
Instructions for Revoked Powers of Attorney:
All previous agents, attorneys-in-fact, and entities acting under any revoked Power of Attorney are instructed to CEASE all actions and representations on the above name entities behalf. Any such action taken will constitute a trespass on the Estate and Trust of said entity herein reserves the right to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Notice of this revocation is being delivered to relevant parties, including the financial institutions mentioned above.
Notice is hereby given that the FINANCIAL & SINGLE AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2021 for the Town of Guilderland has been completed, approved by the Town Board at the January 21, 2025 Board Meeting and filed with the Town Clerk, Town Hall, 5209 Western Turnpike, Guilderland, NY 12084.
A copy of the REPORT is available for inspection by any interested person at the Town Clerk’s Office during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Dated: January 30, 2025
By The Order of the Guilderland Comptroller
Lynne M. Buchanan, RMC
Town Clerk
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at the next meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Voorheesville the Board will hold a Public Hearing on an application for 184 Helderberg Parkway (Mark Gillenwalters) for an Area Variance for a Front-Yard Carport. This hearing will be held at Village Hall, 29 Voorheesville Ave. on Tuesday, February 6, 2025 at 7 PM.
Jim Giglio, Chairperson
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Berne will hold the 2025 Organizational Meeting on March 5, 2025, at 7:00PM and the regular monthly Town Board Meeting will be held on March 12, 2025 at 7:00PM at the Berne Community and Senior Center; 1360 Helderberg Trail Berne NY 12023.
Dated: January 25, 2025
Kristin De Oliveira
Berne Town Clerk