Every Scout out of Troop 1073 will have learned something valuable

To the Editor:
I’m Aidan Hartmann from Boy Scout Troop 1073 in Voorheesville. I’m writing to you today to fulfill a requirement for the communications merit badge, which will contribute to my Eagle Scout rank. The requirement says to choose a subject to write about to the editor of a local magazine or newspaper, so I chose you.

The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest and most honorable rank in Boy Scouts. It is only achieved by around 4 percent of all Scouts, totaling about two million over time.

Despite the difficulty and low probability of achieving this rank, the Strauss family defied the odds. Three Strauss boys all attained the rank of Eagle: Michael first, Aidan, then Jack.

I think they achieved this because they are amazing people (Jack is my best friend) and because Troop 1073 is very special. All three boys completed a service project that has made a positive impact on the town, and each of them held their court at the same location as their project.

Troop 1073 is special because we take scouting very seriously and uphold the values of scouting very tightly. Our troop is run and led by the boys; they plan and execute every event, learning from previous Scouts and adults.

Every Scout out of Troop 1073 will have learned something valuable even if they don’t attain the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout. After completing my service project, I hope to join them soon, along with my younger brother, who loves scouting and attended the national Jamboree with Jack and myself.

Aidan Hartmann


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