“The melting pot and the crucible”
To the Editor:
I have read with great interest your very angry editorial in the Feb. 1 issue [“The melting pot and the crucible”]. No one is denying immigrants coming here from other countries — that is what the Statue of Liberty “Lady Liberty: stands for — they are welcomed with open arms.
However, you seem again to only tell of the ones who are here to become part of us — the United States of America — by becoming citizens of this great country.
I myself and from what I read in your editorial also describe these countries by the correct work “shitholes.” Unless you can come up with a better description than your editorial states “shitholes” works for me.
Everyone seems to get their feathers ruffled when President Trump states his honest opinion, which is refreshing coming from a man in his position. We can either accept what he called these abuses or get out a bar of lifebuoy.
The issue I see from your angry editorial is you never mentioned about the immigrants coming into this country to kill, rape, commit terrible crimes against citizens of this great country, whether born here or becoming citizens to become Americans. There are two sides to every issue but only choosing to focus on one side is not going to find solutions. Hate and anger are not the answer!
Donna Fisher
Howes Cave
Editor’s note: Many studies have shown that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States. One paper, by the National Bureau of Economic Research, says that the rate of incarceration for immigrants is about one-fifth the rate of native-born Americans.
Our editorial urged our readers to welcome Albany County immigrants, “our dear neighbors,” by helping the Refugee and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus. We profiled a co-founder of RISSE whom we very much admire. The tone of the editorial was loving, not angry.