Guilderland residents are wasting their time trying to have a say in the comp plan
To the Editor:
You have really dug in on your sales pitch telling us that accessory dwelling units are granny flats when they are not [“Westerlo looks to amend ADU regs to keep elders in town,” The Altamont Enterprise, Jan. 27, 2025].
ADUs are accessory dwelling units to a residential property that the town of Guilderland has already signed on to [encourage] … under Governor [Kathy] Hochul’s [initiative] to build, baby, build [“Guilderland named a pro-housing community,” The Altamont Enterprise, July 10, 2024].
From reading about other towns now re-writing their comprehensive plans, and learning that one town even had the same silly public forum telling residents to place blue sticker dots on topics now voicing their outrage at being ignored, it is my opinion that Guilderland residents are wasting their time trying to have a say in the comprehensive plan.
Oh, the town board in my opinion, will put on a show of indignation and outrage like it did on Foundry Square also known as Bohl Project also known as Brownfield Project hearing but the outcome will be the same: Peter Barber stepped in and ran the show [“‘It’s a work in progress’: Foundry Square allowed to proceed,” The Altamont Enterprise, Jan. 9, 2025].
I can hear them now: “I’m outraged that Christine Duffy states we do not listen to town members.”
Yeah, sure you do ….
Peter Barber and the town board padded the selections to the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee. I went to a housing subcommittee meeting where front and center sat the spouse of town board member Christine Napierski as well as Zoning Board of Appeals Chairwoman Elizabeth Lott and the town grantwriter, Don Csaposs.
And when I walked in all hell broke loose not wanting me there. They don’t want you there either, in my opinion. Granny flats, get a clue, Altamont Enterprise.
Christine Duffy