I was wrong to attack friends and fellow GOP committeemen
To the Editor:
I hope you accept the following as a letter to the editor submission to retract previous statements made by me regarding the resignations of Joe Martin, Leo Vane, and Al Thiem from the Berne Town Board.
Back in August of 2024, I wrote a response to a question regarding Supervisor Dennis Palow’s ability to run Berne properly considering three board members had resigned [“Berne adrift after three town board members resign,” The Altmont Enterprise, Aug. 16, 2024].
And in that response I was wrong to attack Mr. Martin, Mr. Vane, and Mr. Thiem so viciously when I was the one who was ignorant of the situations.
It was I who should have done more to work with the entire Republican majority on the town board to help them understand the importance of the majority and how effective the majority is in our representative government.
I was wrong to attack friends and fellow committeemen whom I know are good people, with strong Republican values and great families without ever even talking to them. I am sorry to those hurt by my remarks and those hurt by my inaction.
My lack of honest judgement towards these three men whom I know do have the best interests of the people of our town at heart was unwarranted.
I have confidence in our current representatives, Supervisor Palow and Deputy Supervisor Thomas Doolin, to work with the governor’s appointment to finish out 2025 strong for Berne.
I have confidence in the leadership in the Albany County Republican Committee and in the Berne Republican Committee (led by Chairman Martin and Co-Chair Thiem) to get us back our majority this fall and into the future by continuing to care for our neighbors and community with involvement and provide quality candidates to properly represent the people of Berne.
I care deeply for Berne.
God bless America.
Sean S. Lyons
Editor's note: Sean Lyons, a Republican, was the Berne supervisor prior to the current supervisor, Dennis Palow, who served as his deputy.