How many other groups of physicians will leave Humana?
To the Editor:
I sent this letter to the Guilderland Town Board.
A letter was received last week, presumably to all patients of Community Care Physicians, who carried Humana health insurance. When we were introduced to the change to Humana by the town of Guilderland at an “informational” meeting, the questions raised demonstrated the concerns of those who attended.
Perhaps the Humana reputation had preceded it. Those retirees indicated that the majority were not comfortable with this change from the community-based organization we had, which had worked well in the past, and was familiar with the community, the retirees, and the physicians to a little known company in this area.
Since our opinions were not included in the decision-making, no other option was offered. Most of us accepted and hoped for the best.
I am dismayed by the recent letter, due to the loss of our trusted physicians, including the history which we have with them, but I am not surprised. I have been hearing from the medical community in the last two years of their difficulties with the Humana insurance company.
However, what is far more worrisome is the question: How many other groups of physicians will leave Humana? Is this the beginning of a mass exodus? Where will that leave the retirees of the town of Guilderland? More importantly: What remedy has the town of Guilderland for this possibility?
Anne Tucker Rose
Editor’s note: See related story.