Weekly Archives

Two New Scotlanders vie for county judgeship

By Jordan J. Michael

R’ville board mulls $2.2M budget proposal for next year

By Zach Simeone

BERNE — Kenneth Bunzey, a Democrat who has served as a Berne town judge for 18 years, is running unopposed on Nov. 2.

Berne plans to spend $2M

By Zach Simeone

BERNE — Berne’s supervisor plans to spend $2.05 million next year, almost a quarter-million dollars less than this year, due mostly to the recent completion of the Kaehler Lane Bridge replacement.

Dem incumbent McEneny challenged by Busch on Tax Payer and GOP lines

By Zach Simeone

ALBANY COUNTY — Voters here will decide on Nov. 2 between longtime Democratic Assemblyman John “Jack” McEneny and Knox native Deborah Busch, a relative newcomer to politics.

Incumbent Dem Breslin challenged by GOP’s Domenici and Reform’s Carey

ALTAMONT — The village board is considering two options as it upgrades its wastewater treatment plant to reduce the flow of excess stormwater into the plant’s filtration system.

Sow seeds now for smart growth later

Illustration by Forest Byrd

“More houses on the horizon” blared the headline last week on our front-page story — dateline: New Scotland.


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