Weekly Archives

Fireman offers a home
Neighbors rally as house burns, Kosiers plan to rebuild

DUANSBURG — Four inches of snow kept the school buses at bay on the day that the Kosiers’ house burned.

GUILDERLAND — Larry McBride brings salvation to state prisons once a month.

Tax hike of 2 %
School board adopts $83.8M plan

Going out for a few of my favorite things
BKW climbs ev’ry mountain with The Sound of Music


BERNE — This weekend, the Hilltowns will be alive with The Sound of Music.

WESTERLO — On Tuesday, Leonard Laub, the chairman of the town’s planning board, sent a letter to the town’s supervisor asking that the town board not schedule a public hearing to remove him from office. 

By David S. Lewis

NEW SCOTLAND Five parents spoke to voice their support for sixth-grade science teacher John Curran.

By David S. Lewis

By David S. Lewis

NEW SCOTLAND – While the Bender melon farm sits in limbo, the town’s supervisor supports a building moratorium as developers try to close on the 179-acre property.

By Paige Spawn Pierle

Homeowners should pay attention to floors when selling their homes.

BERNE — The Berne-Knox-Westerlo track team is continuing to expand in both participants and athletic quality, even with changes at the top of the program.


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