Weekly Archives

Hoyer helps kids orphaned by the war

By David S. Lewis

VOORHEESVILLE – In Afghanistan, a country wracked by decades of war and violence, one Voorheesville native is helping an oft-overlooked group of casualties –orphaned children.

BERNE — On a hot and humid July, 19 morning, 111 runners lined up for the 10th annual Fox Creek 5K Road Race in Berne. Two ladies with strollers walked the course.

Summers in New York would not be the same without The Hugh L. Carey Empire State Games. The competition will be held in Binghamton this year from July 23 to 27.

Find common ground

Illustration by Forest Byrd

“The theory of a free press is that the truth will emerge from free reporting and free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account.”

WESTERLO –Scott Hannay and two of his kids are hoping to bring glory to Westerlo this week as they throw javelin at the Empire State Games.

Dubose wants to heal rifts

GUILDERLAND —  “Healing is it,” said Maceo Dubose of his immediate goals as the president of the school district’s most powerful union.

An imposing figure at over six feet tall, he speaks quietly with care and force.

Grimm business
Super claims illegal occupation

Free at the farm: A harvest of plays for every taste, from Shakespeare to Oz

New bridge for Gifford Hollow

BERNE — This week, the Albany County Department of Public Works closed Gifford Hollow Road to replace a bridge over the Switzkill. 

By Melissa Hale-Spencer

ALTAMONT — Sgt. Chris Kitto’s family is celebrating his return from Iraq and inviting the community to join them.

“We’re just so relieved he’s home and safe,” said his mother, Francine Kitto.


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