Weekly Archives

By Zach Simeone

RENSSELAERVILLE — The new head of the American Legion Auxiliary in New York sees a need to help the children of soldiers and veterans.

Board plans process to hire new super

VOORHEESVILLE — Linda Langevin quietly and quickly wiped tears from her cheeks as the school board stood to applaud her Monday night.

By Jordan J. Michael

GUILDERLAND –– Winning the Eastern New York Travel Baseball League’s AABC tournament wasn’t the end of the road for the New York Capital District Knights 17 and under baseball team.

Kids need chickens. That’s the plain truth. I realized it five years after buying a suburban house where the zoning did not permit livestock of any kind.

Competition abounds, from peeling to big-money bake-off and the midway’s games

ALTAMONT — One long, snaking curl fell from Judy Barra’s apple and she gathered it up triumphantly.

At 48 inches, it was the winning peel.

By Forest Byrd

ALTAMONT— Looking around the track laden with wood shavings, all four pigs have big dreams. One of those dreams includes a creamy white filling.

Presumed consent: A matter of life and death

Illustration by Forest Byrd

By Jordan J. Michael

ALTAMONT –– The Sherman family, of Knox, has its own personal homemade base at the fairgrounds.

“The farthest I get is the corndog stand in the middle of the grounds,” said Dana Sherman, 63. “I stay hidden.”

GUILDERLAND — Six months have passed since Republicans in town filed a complaint with the district attorney’s office.


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