NEW SCOTLAND With a split vote, the planning board here last week approved the creation of a residential senior-housing district behind the medical building on New Scotland Road.
VOORHEESVILLE Signs promoting a 50,000-square-foot cap on commercial development have been appearing, and disappearing, in and around the village here.
Voorheesville boys’ soccer team locks out CBA on cold afternoon
By Jordan J. Michael
VOORHEESVILLE “We kept the ball rolling on the ground,” said Blackbird soccer player Drew Alteri. “A Class C school just ran over a Class A school.”
BETHLEHEM The Guilderland varsity football team knew that the Bethlehem Eagles would be an extremely tough match-up. But the Dutchmen expected to complete more than a single first down in the opening half.
SCOTIA The Scotia-Glenville field hockey team never really had a chance against the Lady Dutch on Monday. Guilderland constantly had control of the ball.
GUILDERLAND Matthew Nelligan, the outspoken schoolteacher who rallied hundreds of students to keep his job, announced this week that he has resigned as a teacher in the Guilderland School District.