Weekly Archives

By Zach Simeone

It’s no revelation: The physical spaces that surround us affect our minds, and where we grow up will shape how we come to view both the world and ourselves.

By Jordan J. Michael

VOORHEESVILLE –– Having a vehicle is like caring for a child. It has feelings and sometimes talks back. As colder weather approaches and gas prices stay high, maintaining a car becomes even more important.

The solution? Tending tiny trees from the Arbor Day Foundation

By Ellen Zunon

By Zach Simeone

Renée Van Kuren captures and harnesses the power of the sun

Wood-, gas- and corn-burning stoves are all the rage this fall as consumers prepare to face record-high oil prices.

Runion proposes $31 M budget

GUILDERLAND — Next year’s proposed town budget includes the first tax-rate increase in the nine years that Supervisor Kenneth Runion has been preparing Guilderland’s spending plan, he said.

By Zach Simeone

By Zach Simeone

BERNE — Berne-Knox-Westerlo’s maintenance department has cut the district’s average annual fuel consumption nearly in half since 2000.


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