GUILDERLAND When, by 1:30 a.m., a crowd of 50 had dwindled to one and a trio of town employees the town board began a two-hour public hearing on its $30.6 million budget for the coming year.
Conservation coordinator will work on green initiatives
GUILDERLAND The school board has created a new post conservation coordinator to further the district priority of fostering environmental stewardship.
ALTAMONT With a bit of luck, villagers who woefully flambé their Thanksgiving turkey will be able to salvage the day with a crowd-pleasing backup plan: takeout Chinese.
GUILDERLAND The school board here backs a move from half-day to full-day kindergarten if, as the school board president put it, “money wasn’t an object.”
NEW SCOTLAND After a public hearing Wednesday with a standing-room-only crowd, the town board unanimously adopted a local law to extend the commercial building moratorium three months.