Weekly Archives

Country living has its charms — and drawbacks

GUILDERLAND — Even in tough times, the library was strongly supported by voters as 59 percent on Tuesday cast their ballots for next year’s $3.45 million budget.

A well-tended yard draws buyers into homes for sale

If the yard around a house is neat, it will invite people inside.

ALTAMONT — The village’s proposed wastewater plant upgrade may be financed partly with funds from the state’s Environmental Facilities Corporation programs, Trustee Chris Marshall said this week.

Our home reflects all of our weaknesses and none of our strengths

When my fiancé, Nick, and I bought our home, it felt like we were playing a game. A really fun game. It was a bit like being a kid and playing house.

By Jordan J. Michael

SCHENECTADY –– The Guilderland boys’ tennis team’s six-year streak of playing in sectional finals came to an end last Friday, but some individual players are still winning big.

Budget defeated, as budget supporters win in a landslide

By Zach Simeone

By Jordan J. Michael

GUILDERLAND –– There’s an unwritten rule in baseball when a pitcher has a no-hitter in the works: Don’t say a word about it.

By Zach Simeone

Five years ago in Altamont, residents older than 54 had limited options if they were looking to downsize without moving out of their communities.


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