
According to his arrest records, it’s not the first time that Sand has sped up when police have tried to pull him over.

Ed Cowley III, Altamont

Ed Cowley III, Altamont

The stances taken by local law enforcement toward Taser use place the Taser on the same level as pepper spray within the “use-of-force continuum.”

A Facebook video of a New Scotland traffic stop, shown by local television news shows and picked up by the liberal activist news service Alternet.org with the headline, “Cop can’t wait for his backup to arrive so he could needlessly tase a nonviolent man,” has raised questions about the danger of traffic stops for officers and about th

Police departments should reform their rules on Taser use so that a young man goading a cop at a traffic stop, as happened this month in New Scotland, isn't shot with a stun gun; the results can be deadly.

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