
southern pine beetle New York State Department of Conservation

Climate change may be causing southern pine beetles to move north, where they are killing pine trees.

Bozenkill Corridor

Altamont residents Don and Donna Kelly’s donation of 30 acres of land to the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy links together Wolf Creek Falls Preserve in Knox with the rest of the Bozenkill Conservation Corridor.

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission will offer a variety of programs at the Discovery Center during the upcoming school break, from Feb. 19 to 23. Programs include a series of bird-themed activities and a family trivia night.

Linda VanAller Hernick, a former cytotechnician and paleobotanist, has written a book on exploring the world of freshwater microorganisms in ditches and ponds surrounding her Rensselaerville home. She hopes others will be encouraged to partake in this little-known study.

Butterfly Station at Farnsworth Middle School

Monarch butterflies were released at the Butterfly Station at Farnsworth Middle School for their migration to Mexico.

State biologists are trying to better understand the wild turkey. The Department of Environmental Conservation is asking citizens to record their observations of turkeys this summer.

The annual Asian longhorned beetle Swimming Pool Survey is underway, marking the program’s sixth summer of research work.  

Humans have great hubris. The wilderness that our pioneer ancestors tamed now has to be re-invented and protected.

Alvin Breisch in his book released this month, “The Snake and the Salamander: Reptiles and Amphibians from Maine to Virginia,” uses a lifetime of knowledge to make creatures many consider “second-class citizens” vivid and vital — an essential part of the natural world that often go unrecognized.

The Guilderhaven ad pictures a few of the many temporary “guests” that came through Guilderhaen’s wildlife rehabilitation program last year.


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