Hitmans Towing had been selling off equipment, thinking that a run-in with Knox zoning was going to end the towing business, when it was offered a chance to move to Altamont.
Kristen Reynders said her towing business continues to operate with its trucks parked at various locations, since she pleaded guilty to violating the zoning law in Knox.
The town responded to a petition filed in Albany County Supreme Court last month by the owner of Hitmans Towing on Route 146 to appeal the conduct of the town's attorney in a zoning case.
KNOX — The owner of Hitmans Towing pleaded guilty to operating a business in a residential area and paid a $300 fine on Jan. 21, ending a legal challenge to the town five days before a trial was scheduled to start.
Knox residents should fill out the surveys for an updated comprehensive plan that will shape the future of their town. Once the big picture is in place, zoning must be adopted and enforced.
Realtor Robert Smith says his niece bought property in Knox, where she has a towing business in the second district, only after the zoning administrator said they would be clear of the town's law.
KNOX — The towing business cited in violation of the town’s zoning law in January was included in a business district recommended by a 4-to-2 vote of the Knox Planning Board on Feb. 27.
Chairman Robert Price said the planning board still has to agree on a proposed change to the buffer that would separate business districts from residential areas.