
Humans have great hubris. The wilderness that our pioneer ancestors tamed now has to be re-invented and protected.

We need to stop putting up walls with name-calling and labeling others; rather, we must seek to understand through civil discourse what we share so that we may reach meaningful compromises to move forward.

Although schools we cover have policies to support transgender students, the great danger in having a federal directive that chips away at the civil rights of any of us is it weakens all of us.

Civil discourse at Knox Town board meetings would yield solutions. The board should not pass up a $12,000 grant that would lead to a $100,000 grant.

Stephen Tompkins, 63, is conducting a solitary protest, standing in the snow and cold by the road with a sign. We like his idea of patriotism. It belongs to each of us. We need to act on our convictions.

We support a project to build a new playground at Voorheesville Elementary School, replacing the quarter-century old one, but urge that this time the playground not be built beneath power lines.

Research shows an adolescent’s brain is different than an adult’s. New York’s criminal justice system needs to recognize this reality. Young offenders deserve a chance to right their wrongs and go on to lead productive lives.

The state’s Department of Environmental Conservation issued new rules at the start of 2016, limiting the time licensed wildlife rehabilitators have before releasing hurt animals, spawning two lawsuits.

The lesson of the First Thanksgiving is about diversity and inclusion. Now we must follow the example of the Native Americans who kept the immigrant Pilgrims from starvation and death.

Pretending climate change is not real won’t make it go away.


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