
Five of Marcia Pangburn's neighbors from Thompsons Lake  sat with her as she waited in court.

In a Court of Appeals decision announced Monday, the towns of Dryden and Middlefield prevailed in cases testing their zoning prohibitions against activities surrounding high-volume hydraulic fracturing.

Cathryn Doyle of New Scotland challenged a ruling to revoke her judgeship based on actions she took while presiding over the Albany County Surrogate's Court. The Court of Appeals upheld the ruling to remove her from the bench.

The verdict in a DWI trial this week —a first for the Berne judge — turned on whether the drunk driver of a go-cart was driving on a public road or thrown there.

Judge James Corigliano allowed jurors to infer that, since the prosecution did not maintain the video footage requested by the defense, the missing evidence would have harmed the prosecution's case.

Kristen Reynders, the owner of Hitmans Towing, appeared in Knox Town Court with her lawyer, father, and several supporters. Her lawyer requested the trial be heard by a jury, scheduled for July.


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