Administrators want to increase time for teachers to analyze data from their classrooms and create alternative education classrooms during the day and evenings.
Supervisor Valerie Lounsbury said the town's preliminary 2014 spending plan is $703 under the state-set tax cap of 1.66 percent on increases to the levy.
At the Nov. 6 town board meeting, Knox authorized an agreement for 4G Long Term Evolution wireless communication service on its nearby tower used by Verizon and AT&T.
Voorheesville's mayor and village board plans to replace the Voorheesville Area Ambulance Service with re-trained volunteer firefighters. The retaliatory move would undermine the service without ensuring a viable replacement.
A report recommended projects deemed too costly for the district currently dealing with library repairs. Interim Business Official Mark Kellett reported adjusted 2013-14 tax rates.
The contract between the village and the Voorheesville ambulance squad was approved with a split vote, with the amount in reserves for a roof fund, a new vehicle fund, or a maintenance fund a particular point of contention.